We established a real estate chain, co-owned by all investors buying our blockchain-based Hotelium Token. The project Hotelium marks the first time in history that anyone can become a shareholder of a real estate property with only a 100€ investment. Furthermore, as an investor, you receive dividends, benefits from our real estate chain, special discounts, and event tickets.
“The project Hotelium marks the first time in history that anyone can become a shareholder of a real estate property with only a 100€ investment.”

Planet Program was founded in 2000 by an exceptional world-class leader, Albert Schermacher. The aim is to support and educate people in developing managerial skills. Over the years, Planet Program has joined forces with various companies and helped them with financial planning.
“To most people, new technologies bring only a more comfortable life, but to some, they present completely new opportunities.”

Tourism is one of a few constantly growing industries, with 1.3 billion people crossing the borders of their homelands for business or leisure. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) a 4% growth in the hotel business is expected this year, next to a record 170 billion dollars in gross bookings.
“It is a well-known fact that a tourist accommodation value rises the moment it opens its doors and it keeps rising all the time, given proper management.”