Summer seminar at the door

The Hotelium community is already looking forward to meeting again in Stanišići, where a regular July seminar will take place. Judging by experience, a good ambience and delicious food are guaranteed, and this time we will be joined by very special guests: Boris and Marina. These are big names in the business world, as they have expanded their network from Slovenia to 80 countries. Together with other successful leaders, they also co-wrote the bestselling book about network marketing: Secrets From Top Earners. The couple will share with us their experiences and techniques that lead to personal success. ? How to grow your business through social media ? The art of sponsoring a circle of influence ? Creating a recruiting mindset ? Daily methods to accomplish more ? How to become a super recruiter ? What is the formula to attract customers and business builders ? If ever, then you need to be with us now!

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