Seminars are an integral part and a key tool in building a network. The most important are the so-called weekend seminars. At these events, our members receive comprehensive information on the basis of which they can make a turning point in their network career. Unfortunately, the epidemic robbed us of this kind of socializing for a whole year, so we moved the activities online. Soon we are organizing our first weekend seminar on remote!
The webinar is completely free, so everyone please register here!
The event will begin on Saturday, February 27 at 11 a.m., with the second part continuing on Saturday at 7 p.m. and a conclusion on Sunday at 11 a.m. All three parts will take around three hours. As we have already announced, we will be hosting a super successful network marketing couple from Slovenia, Marina Muršič and Boris Lupšina. In just five short years they both have achieved the Double Black Diamond rank in the company where they work and can boast six-figure earnings. Today they are living a diamond lifestyle in Gran Canaria.
We are proud to have network marketing superstars Marina and Boris as speakers on our webinar.
We will also be joined by our regular guests Snježana Ristić, personal growth coach who has influenced the development of many of our leaders, and Aleksandar Matanović, the founder of the first Serbian cryptocurrency exchange. Together with Vladimir Popović, director of Hotelium, network board members Aleksandar Radojević and Biljana Radojević, and other leaders who are the driving force of networking, we will celebrate the results of the last year and look to the bright future of our joint project! The most beautiful part of the seminar will be the awards to our members for the achieved results.
Listeners who will be present throughout the webinar will be rewarded with tokens.
See you on Zoom on Saturday, February 27 at 11! Again, the webinar has free admittance!
Snježana Ristić Aleksandar Matanović
Special Announcement:
Although Zoom has become an integral part of our daily lives, we can hardly wait for the end of social distancing. The time for live socializing will come soon, because we are proudly announcing the first post-corona Hotelium weekend seminar for May 29 and 30. The event will take place in the beautiful and accessible Etno selo Stanišići in northeastern Bosnia. The regular application price will be € 98, but during the February webinar, the registration fee will be reduced to only € 68. Payment will, of course, be possible in HTL tokens via the Academy section in our back-office. Among the first ticket buyers, we will draw someone who will receive a PRO package 1000!
Picturesque ‘village’ Etno selo Stanišići has been hosting Hotelium events for several years. It is a must to see for everyone!
Why be in the seminar: to make decisions!
Why have your downline people in a seminar: to make decisions that make your business easier to build!
We lead by example: the leader is the first to get his ticket for the next seminar, the leader always buys a ticket at a promotional price.