Because the core business of the Hotelium project is community building, our members regularly meet with families in financial distress. Especially children face tough challenges when growing up in such conditions. After many sad experiences, we decided to try to bring a smile to the faces of these children. A year ago, in January 2020, we launched the Planet Heart Foundation charity.
Each time we award Pool bonuses, we give the same amount to one family under the poverty line. The family is chosen by one of our leaders, each time in a different region or country. In addition to the contribution given by the company, our members also have the opportunity to donate. If you wish to do so, just go to the Planet Heart section in the back office. Remember: it is very simple to spread happiness among those in need.
Here is the story of one such donation, selected by our Gold member Predrag Arsić from Serbia:
“I chose two sisters from Kostolac who were recently left without both parents and were forced to take care of themselves. We decided to buy the necessary clothes and shoes that they lacked. I will always remember the happy faces of those girls when they got new items. Thank you to Vladimir Popović and all the people from the Hotelium Project for a big heart.”