Dear HTL, Happy 4th Anniversary!

Special promotion on the 4th anniversary of the listing of HTL on the Latoken cryptocurrency exchange!

In 2020 and 2021, as part of the prelaunch project, we gave our members extra loyalty, with which they got an additional HTL Shares A and as a result received extra dividends for three years. We prepared a similar promotion for the fourth anniversary.

Between December 10 and 23, members will receive 50% more loyalty for activated and upgraded Pool, Plus Plus and Founder packages, and 25% more loyalty for activated or upgraded Mini, Starter, Network and NetworkPro packages. The reward will come in HTL Shares A for a period of 36 months.

This means that before the promotional HTL Shares A are removed from the account after 3 years, the member will earn regular dividends during this time.

Let us celebrate this milestone of our project together! ?

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