Greetings from VIP trip Istanbul

Where east meets west. The pearl of the Orient. The city of the world’s desires. 

Istanbul is all that and much much more. Now the famous skyline with countless minarets, the vibrant merchant streets, the sounds of muezzins calling to prayer, and the intoxicating smells of food and coffee have also become unforgettable memories of the most hardworking members of the Hotelium Club. 

We experienced only a bit of Istanbul’s amazing atmosphere, but we still spent three fantastic days in its old part, full of new experiences, laughter and socializing. Together we were getting lost in the labyrinth of bazaar streets, haggled for the prices of spices and teas, visited the famous (again) mosque of Hagia Sophia, cruised the Bosphorus, had fun with belly dancers, and learn about a new culture.

Hotelium’s well-known core values are team, care, discipline, and fun. Every effort, which comes from teamwork, self-discipline and caring for the project, must contain a fun side too. And we more than demonstrated it while dancing on the boat, enjoying shishas, and even dressed in traditional Turkish clothes. Words cannot express our feelings and adventures.

We left home with a promise to make another adventure this year! Our next VIP trip will be announced very soon. Actually, there will be two of them, one in the Balkan region and one in the middle of the Arabian desert … We challenge you!

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